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#How to do it all WITHOUT doing it all

Bek Keat and Siri Lindley

Founder of Believe Ranch & Rescue

Bek and Siri, former triathletes, are the founders of Believe Ranch and Rescue. Their love for animals drives their passion for rescuing horses from abuse and neglect. These rescued horses go on to change the lives of their adoptive families, spreading compassion and love throughout their communities.

Matteen Terrany

CEO and Founder "Albert Edison Inc."

Matteen Terrany is the CEO & Founder of Albert Edison Inc. He has been involved in all phases of the company's development since its inception in 2001. A business mastermind, he has helped many business owners achieve success.Through his work at Albert Edison, Matteen has become a leading authority on business growth and marketing strategy.

Carl Kasalek

CEO "Wattlogic"

Carl Kasalek is the CEO of WattLogic, a company that strives to maximize the potential of every watt. Watt Logic helps in removing the friction and complexity from the process of installing EV charging stations and energy-efficient solutions. .

Zachariah Stratford

Author "Published with Jarvis"

Zachariah Stratford is an author and a Publishing Ninja at TheBookPatch.com which has been helping people publish books since 2009, with over 100,000 books published, and millions of copies printed.

Phillip Powell

CEO of "Get Owner Financing"

Phillip Powell is the founder and CEO of Get Owner Financing. He created the company to help people achieve their dreams of home ownership by providing owner financing loans. Phillip's goal is to help as many people as possible achieve their dreams of homeownership.

Jasmin Terrany

Life Therapist

Jasmin Terrany, LMHC is an author and a Life Therapist dedicated to nurturing the personal-life success of professional women. She's the creator of LIFE THERAPYTM, a synergistic combination of psychotherapy, coaching, mindfulness and meditation. Jasmin has helped hundreds of women achieve their goals and live fuller lives.

Curt Jordan

Founder and Head Coach "Kong Academy"

Curt Jordan is the founder of Kong Academy and co-author of a #1 Amazon bestselling book in parenting and child development (No-Problem Parenting Raising Your Kiddos with More Confidence and Less Fear) as well as the creator of Thriving Kids Parenting with his own TV show on the Onest Network.

Olivia Gong

Life and Career Coach

Olivia Gong is a female entrepreneur and business leader with 10 years of mentoring and coaching experience. She mentors women who have experienced sexual trauma to help them break free and take back control of their lives. She also speaks, trains, and influences other professionals on how to create safe spaces for victims of sexual assault.

Faraz Andhi

Project Manager and Solution Analyst

Faraz Andhi is a highly experienced and successful consultant. He has a proven track record in project management and process analysis, with an emphasis on financial forecasting and trend analysis. Faraz has also demonstrated expertise in leading teams of various sizes and coordinating them to achieve objectives.

Mishkin Berteig

President and Co-Founder of Berteig

Mishkin Berteig is the president and co-founder of BERTEIG, a Canadian professional training delivery organization. He is a Certified Scrum Trainer and Path to CSP Educator and has helped hundreds of managers, their teams, and organizations improve the way they work.

George Sugden

Managing Director "Cambridge Roofers"

George Sugden is the managing director of Cambridge Roofers Ltd. He has been with the company for over 25 years and has vast experience in the roofing industry. With a proven track record and a large array of clients, Cambridge Roofers Ltd. provides roofing solutions for residential and commercial customers both in Cambridge and further afield.

Ruth Ebergenyi

Co-Founder "Max & Ruth Training"

Ruth Ebergenyi is the co-founder of Max & Ruth Training. She is an e-learning expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. Ruth has a passion for helping course creators design and deliver learning experiences that transform the lives of their audiences.

Dr. Teshna Beauliue

D.C, QNCP - Quantum Neurology

Teshna Beauliue is a healer in every sense of the word. As a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Practitioner in Quantum Neurology and Neuro-Emotional Technique, she has the unique ability to identify the root cause of an individual's issues, whether physical or emotional.

Nate Zeleznick

President and Co-Founder "Vibravision"

Nate Zeleznick is the President and Co-founder of Vibravision®, a unique company that merges ancient energetic martial arts with modern science and training technology.

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